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April 11, 2006




I hope you were serious about TROY for the next round of lit. cirlces because I read it this weekend... Spread the good word my friend!



Sorry!! Add TROY to the list of titles for lit circles. Yes! KES


Hi Karen - just writing a quick two cents on Appleman's text/ideas. I did want to ask, did you want me to try and post my writing project info. again or perhaps just make another quick mention during class? Also, what did you generally think of what I've showed you? Thanks!


Jesse, I was honest when we talked at the Blue Frog. I like what you're doing.

And we will start class TH night with your invitation to your classmates to join you in your publishing project. Post another poem--or two!! KES


I've managed to lose the prompt questions for the seminar reflections. Could you send them along?


If you still need the prompts, I can type them up for you this evening.



I apologize Chris. Those questions are on my campus computer. They are on the back of the handout with the seminar topics/dates. I'll bet that handout is in your binder but you may not be noticing what's on the back of that one sheet.

If you don't find them, I'll get them to you when I'm next in the office which of course will be TH afternoon. It's ok. KES

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