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May 08, 2006




Thanks for thinking of me. I haven't had a chance to read the article yet, but am looking forward to it now more than ever!


Jenn, I agree. You'll be interested in knowing that I had a bean bag chair in my classroom many years ago. This is 30 years ago--would I lie to you? It was the 70's remember...bean bag chairs were in. And the rest of this story is not for the faint of heart.

The prin. used to bring Board of Ed members (who came to b'ball games in the gym) up to show them my room and they all stood around and shook their heads and wagged their fingers.

Ultimately, the story circlulated that kids were making out in the bean bag chair.

The chair is history now, was history after that accusation, and the "grammar of school" remained safely intact.


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