Dawn, I appreciate that you thought enough to pull me into Cormier's chocolaty quagmire of censorship.
One of the biggest dilemmas we face as educators is that when we try to keep someone or something above water, we run the real risk of drowning ourselves. How much is it worth?
I've never read Cormier. But, now I will. How could I pass up banned books!
After all,
"My name is Francis Joseph Cassavant and I have just returned to Frenchtown in Monument and the war is over and I have no face." (Heroes)
"THEY MURDERED HIM" (The Chocolate War)
I'm afraid I may meet a similar fate if I do not read Cormier.
(I will do whatever you want, Dawn)
After listening to your seminar, I do believe that there is a line. But where do we draw it, and when do we cross it?
I enjoyed your discussion of Cormier and his works, and I think it complements your 663 research. Yes, some of us are privy to more of Dawn's dirty little secrets. You know who you are (James).