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May 21, 2006



I'd love to come, but Rachel has a workshop at school for most of the day so I'm not sure if it's doable. If not, all the best. I'm sure it will be exciting and intense and enjoyable. Knock their effing socks off.


Best of Luck soon to be Dr. Stearns! I was hoping your dissertation defense was in Cortland. Sadly, my feet will only take me so far. Do let us know how it goes though and when you'll be in town again!



Thanks C and J. The "party" is at 5:30. Can you make that?

And pick up Jesse on your way Chris?

That would be great. KES


Congratulations Dr. Stearns!!!



Knock 'em on their asses oh-so-soon-Dr. Stearns.


Well Matt, I'll keep that in mind!!!

And thanks very much Nancy! KES

Chrissy Gates

Congratulations!! I'm sorry I won't be able to make your defense or party, because my husband is out of town that day. I wish you all the best - you deserve it!!



Well, since everyone else is turning you down, I think I will publicly accept the invitation. After all, I work right down the hill--I think I can get off a little early and walk up.

Not sure about the party, but I plan to attend the oral defense.


I will be there, just to make sure Jack doesn't ruin it.

Also, I can probably give someone a ride from cortland if they want.



Hey James, think i might be able to bother you for a ride tomorrow? If so, my email address is [email protected] or my cell # is 857-1762. Thanks man,



Jesse is in. My car still has a couple more seats if anyone needs them.




You cannot stop me.

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